Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I got Tagged by Nicky !

Okie. Firstly i don like being tagged. Like Nicky said - being tagged is like being struck by a plunger in the head comin from nowhere.

Illustration taken from Nicky's blog. Credits to her.
(the thing sticking at the the head? The PLUNGER)

So back to the questions:

1. Do u think u r hot?

Nope - Definately not XD. (Ppl who are stupid don admit they are stupid rite? XD XD)

2. Upload ur favourite picture of urself.

Only presentable pix i have on my laptop - haiz

3. Why do u like that picture?
I don't - I was forced to. Don want to be a bad sport - so just uploaded it.(Next Q pls)

4. When was the last time u ate pizza?
Yesterday. 09.12.2008

5. The last song u'd listened to.
"Whatever you like" by T.I.

6. What are u doin now besides this?
Chatting on MSN, Checking out Innit post, Listening to song..... zzzz

7. What name do u prefer besides urs?
Daniel ? XDXD

8. Name 5 ppl u wanna tag.
- I rather not - Applying "What u do not wish ppl do to u, thou shall not do to others"

(i) Who is number 1?
- Does not apply

(ii) Who is number 3 having relationship with?
- Does not apply

(iii) Say somthing about no. 5.
- Does not apply

(iv) How about no. 2?
- Does not apply

(v) Who is no. 4?
- Does not apply.

Okie - Done... XD.

Cheers ppl - Will be updating another post bout humour tommorrow !

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To My Readers :

Running short of time...I need a "life's" checklist !!