Saturday, August 10, 2013

Re-kindling those feelings...

"Some people dream... while others wake up & work hard for it..."
Screw all those motivation books - you gotta really find what really works for you...
Too many advice messes up your head so you just gotta start procrastinating & take on the challenge head on...
Yeah - that was what worked in the past & Im gonna make it work once again... Old fashion street style, with loads of pain & bashing... and yes, I've decided I'll do it my way... Stubbornness has been one of biggest flaw & strength... being impatient has a dual quality... 2 side to a coin they say...

Headgear on, earplugs set, fighting stance on - guards on - punch, jab, cross, albow-knee combo, round house kick + K.O.

never belonged to the intellectual - why try so hard not being yourself...
- life was about realistic from the start - :)

To My Readers :

Running short of time...I need a "life's" checklist !!